Monday, 3 October 2011

An interaction with Mr.Vikas Saxena on"Getting hold on the threshold"

To be ethical may sound expensive but in fact nothing can stop us from being so. Mr. Saxena questioned the moments when we were not ethical. He told the simple fact that when thousands are looking for a good job, an employer finds it hard to get an employee with the right gene. He sarcastically quoted that an employee who comes to us for money would leave us for money and this is what we call as a rat race in daily lives.
Mr. Saxena spoke about the value each individual should posses when we go to the real world. He quoted that “Be in a system to change the system” and stressed on the fact that escapism is not a right solution for problems but remaining there and fighting against the odds and hence finding the solution for our problem must be the success mantra of an individual.
We should realize that our habitual way of seeing and acting won’t get us anywhere we need to redirect our attention to the edges of perception. And after the enlightening talk  he left the crowd with a smile asking us to sit back and think and also alarmed us that it’s high time we take a ‘U’ turn in our lives, thoughts and perceptive.

Inquisitive Christites quiz Mr.Saxena

Mr. Saxena,CEO at Professional Expertise Group addressing the gathering
He also mentioned about how job role will make you grow than money. He stressed on point that when corporate very well know that the person joining for money will leave them for money.  

Venue:Kengeri Campus
Date:9th August,2011

OME MEET UP: A Digital evening for marketing students

It all started with a title of “35 tools for digital marketing”, kept some students like me really wondering is there really that much of it happening around. Mr. Suresh Babu of Web Marketing Academy then took us over the wave ride of this upcoming horizon, the era of digital marketing, especially the social media marketing. OME or the Online Marketing Enthusiasts is a regular monthly meet up of digital marketing enthusiasts at CUIM, to discuss over the latest happening over Digital marketing.
The meet started up with brief introductions from all the participants and Mr. Suresh Babu started explaining the free online tools that are available, especially from google. Google Alerts, Back Type, Disqus. Google trends and Google insights two wonderful tools for comparing key word based trends and obtain analytic information. To our amazement, digital marketing analytics gives us customer demographics based on user searches and preferences online. Further twitter Tools like Twellow, Local tweeps and Journalist tools like We Follow, much ruck were discussed.
Quite a new experience for marketing students who saw marketing in an all new dimension online, where the trend is changing from traditional marketing to digital marketing and the focus of the marketers being harnessing the power of social media and conversations among people happening online. Companies are more focussed on search engine optimization to get greater visibility in the user searches. Online marketing tools are definitely the trend setters of the Facebook era.
Thoughts shared by:
-          Anand T S, Section J, MBA- I Year.