Friday, 30 September 2011

Interface of Christ University Institute of Management (CUIM), Marketing students & Seatlle university MBA students

Seattle University students with CUIM MBA students

Students of visiting university interact with CUIM faculty

September 12th 2011, CUIM hosted MBA students of Seatlle university
who were on a visit to Bangalore. The purpose of the interface was to
discuss broadly some of the issues and challenges what the Indian
economy  and the businesses face. CUIM was represented by 20 students
from the Marketing stream  and  20 students from Seattle University
Deep Discussion on things that matters
MBA program.

The topics that were discussed include :
  - What are the challenges India has to face to uphold its leading
position as a global outsourcing destination
 -  How will India manage the Digital Divide between the urban and
rural population
 - Which countries will pose greatest competition to the Indian BPO
industry? Why?
 -  The status of e-Governance in India and its future
student interaction

The program was received well by our marketing students  as the
learning and networking was immense.

Writings by Kshetragna CN
Head of Marketing,CUIM